The City of Lawrenceville will host an evening of thrill and adventure at the Lawrenceville Lawn. Trunk or Treat is a different spin on Trick-or-Treating where local businesses, organizations and community members decorate the trunk of their car, bring to the Lawrenceville Lawn, and pass out candy as kids “Trunk or Treat” from car to car. Trunk or Treat allows kids to have all the trick-or-treating fun without crossing streets or worrying about traffic. The event is FREE to attend.
To enter a car in the Trunk-or-Treat, an APPLICATION is required and includes: providing a car or truck decorated with a Halloween theme, someone to pass out candy, and enough candy for 300 kids. Find the application here:
A contest will be held for the BEST DRESSED CAR. A winner will be announced at 7:30 pm.
The event will include a DJ with interactive games for the kids. At 8 pm, a special showing of "Hocus Pocus" will take place at the Lawrenceville Lawn on the giant screen.
For more information, please contact or 678.407.6653.
